
Showing posts from March, 2019

Tute 3 Answers

1. Discuss the importance of maintaining the quality of the code, explaining the different aspects of the code quality Code quality is a vague definition. What do we consider high quality and what’s low quality? Code quality is rather a group of different attributes and requirements, determined and prioritized by your business. These requirements have to be defined with your offshore team in advance to make sure you’re on the same side. Source: Codinghorror Here are the main attributes that can be used to determine code quality: Clarity : Easy to read and oversee for anyone who isn’t the creator of the code. If it’s easy to understand, it’s much easier to maintain and extend the code. Not just computers, but also humans need to understand it. Maintainable : A high-quality code isn’t overcomplicated. Anyone working with the code has to understand the whole context of the code if they want to make any changes. Documented : The best thing is when the code i...